From the William Cary Collection

We did not begin the manufacture of gasoline motor vehicles until we had made an exhaustive examination of the various automobiles then on the market.

Having studied the American conditions and requirements, we decided that gasolene was the best propelling force, and in its application we employed those principles which have proved most successful in the French and German machines, modifying them and improving them according to our conception of the ideal motor vehicle.
Our idea was to make a vehicle that would be strong, compact, graceful in build; one which would travel over all sorts of roads, uphill and down, at a high rate of speed, or slowly, as occasion would demand ; a machine requiring the least manipulation on the part of the driver; and. lastly, one that would be absolutely safe.

There was nothing radically new in all this, nor did we intend that there should be. We sought practicability rather than novelty.
We had a large field to choose from, the motor vehicles of a hundred makers. We selected the good points of each and avoided the bad ones. Then we were ready to begin work.
It must not be understood that the is in any sense a copy of any other vehicle in existence. It is a distinct creation, and one which fairly bristles with points of merit belonging to none other.
But even then we did not hurry to get our vehicle on the market. We went slowly and with consequent

sureness. We subjected our automobile to the most severe tests. We ran it over all kinds of roads under all kinds of conditions. We learned what it would do and how it would do it. We satisfied ourselves that we were making the best motor vehicle that could be put together.

When we finally placed our automobile on the market we were in a position to say to our customers ;
” This is not a perfect motor vehicle, but it is nearer perfection than any other of which we know. It is an automobile that you can depend upon to carry you to your destination. It is built for service and is so simple that anyone can operate it.”
We have given our vehicles many private tests and have kept careful record of their performances in the hands of both amateurs and experts.

The results have fulfilled our fondest hopes. The Packard automobile has proved a SUCCESS. Nor has the good work of our vehicles been con¬fined to private tests ; they have distinguished themselves in public trials

Here is what the Packard automobiles accomplished in the New York-Buffalo Endurance Contest as recorded in the official report of the Automobile Club of America :
Average speed from 12 to 15 miles per hour.
C-24 12 H. P. Packard, average speed, 13.70.
C-56 14 H. P. Packard, ” ” 12.83.
C-23 12 H. P. Packard, ” ” 12.79.
C-79 16 H. P. Packard, ” ” 12.57.

Average speed from 10 to 12 miles per hour.
12 H. P. Packard, average speed, 10.m.p.h

To the layman – the amateur automobile driver –
these figures may mean little or nothing, therefore let us explain :
Of the eighty-nine automobiles that entered the endurance contest only half finished. The roads were in a terrible condition—a sliding mass of deep, sticky mud—while to make the test all the more severe a heavy rain was falling constantly.
In this contest, in which but half of the entries were started. able to reach the terminus, five They all finished—finished up at the head, too.

Of these five automobiles, three were driven by amateurs.
Could anyone offer a stronger argument for a motor vehicle ?
We think not.

We manufacture two distinct models, “C,” our original machine, and ” F,” our special.
so that in describing Model ” F ” we only mention those points wherein it differs from the Model ” C.”


In the construction of this vehicle we use bicycle type tangent spoked wheels, with flat based, flaring edged steel rims. The diameter of all wheels is the same, 34 inches. The larger sized wheels are preferably in front as giving easy steering and ability to get out of ruts, car tracks, etc. Another very considerable advantage is that if spare tires are kept, one will be sufficient.

We use a horizontal, single cylinder, 4 cycle engine of 12 h.p. on the brake, having a high compression and a variable speed. Contrary to general impression, our adaptation of the single cylinder engine causes no more vibration, and runs just as smoothly as any multiple cylinder machine.

The engine shaft is very short, and is connected with the clutch and gear shaft by a spring transmission. This allows sufficient flexibility to insure against the binding of any of the bearings, while the spring driving gear prevents the kick of the engine being transmitted to the gears and the carriage.

We employ the so called jump spark type of electrical ignition, automatically controlled by a sensitive and reliable governor. The ignition takes place at that point in the stroke of the engine which gives the maximum cushioning effect, together with the maximum efficiency. This makes our automobile run with great smoothness and insures against the possibility of a back kick from the engine when starting.

Our electrical apparatus is operated by dry batteries. Two sets are always provided, with a conveniently located double-throw switch to change from one to the other.
The gasoline tank holds sufficient gasoline for a run of from 150 to 200 miles, depending upon the condition of the roads. It is provided with a glass sight gauge which shows at a glance the amount of gasoline in the tank.

The water tank holds sufficient water for a season’s -a little over four gallons. The cylinder is cooled use in the usual manner with a water jacket provided with a circulating pump, regulating tank, and a special set of coolers or radiators placed under the foot board of the machine.

Positive circulation is insured by a simple gear pump which cannot get out of order. The annoyance from renewing cooling water or worrying about the amount of water left in the tank is thus removed.

Oiling of all important bearings is accomplished by one movement of a lever, the supply coming from a single oil box of large capacity.
The gear and chain drive is used. The reverse is a slow speed, giving with varied speeds of the engine from six to ten miles per hour.

The hill-climbing gear is approximately the same speed, and is sufficiently strong to carry the vehicle over any hill or through the deepest sand and mud.
The high or working speed varies from 7 to 22 miles or over per hour, dependent upon the speed of the engine.

The vehicle can be geared as required for different localities.
We employ the so-called float feed type of carburetor, such as is used without exception by the European automobile manufacturers. This device has been so perfected that carburetion is automatic and positive. It requires no adjustment or attention whatever; is unaffected by heat or cold, and will use any ordinary grade of gasoline.

The speed of the engine is controlled by a foot pedal that is instantaneous action.
The two forward speeds, the reverse,and the brake are controlled by a single lever. Any one of these operations can be performed instantly without regard to intermediate functions—that is, the lever may be thrown to the high speed notch at once without necessity of pausing on the slow speed. The utmost simplicity as well as quickness of operation is thus secured.
In ordinary running no manipulation of the clutch is required. A further advantage of this arrangement is that it practically does away with all noise, and saves power as well.

In addition to a hand brake, our automobiles are fitted with our new rim brake, which is not dependent on any other mechanism. The rim brakes are operated by an auxiliary foot lever.

We use a special nickel steel roller chain, which kept under the same tension for the different jackets by a simple but effective device. Single tube tires are used, but others may substituted if desired. Frame is of channel iron bent to shape. A three-spoked aluminum steering wheel is used.

the material entering into the construction of the vehicle is perfect, but also that we may be positive that every automobile sent out will work smoothly in every part, and will behave properly under all conditions.

The body of the carriage is finished in the best possible style ; only the highest grade of coach work and upholstering being employed. The result is that
Packar automobiles are perfect in appearance, as well as in point of construction and operation.

In this model the essential features of Model ” C” art: regained There are, however, several changes and it is to these we call attention.

Wood wheels with 4-inch clincher tires are used. All wheels are 34 inches in diameter. l:ront wheels and live rear axle are fitted with special Baker ball bearings. The wheel base of the machine is seven feet from center to center of axle, while the body sets much lower than is usual with American machines.

A most ingenious system of spring suspension is used on the rear axle and a simple link device for holding front axle in place. Thus the necessity of distinct under-frame for the carriage is done away.

Three direct geared speeds ahead are provided, and one reverse. Both lever and pedal clutch-control arc fitted. Only one clutch of improved form and of very large working surface is used. As in Model ” C ” all gears run in an oil bath, the
engine crank is also encased. The form of wheel steer is fitted

Individual seats or the ordinary single seat will be supplied at option. Detachable rear seat can also be supplied.
The carriage is painted bright red with red leather upholstering. Painting and upholstering, however, can be varied to suit customers’ tastes.
Model ” F” has been given a thorough trial during

the past season and is recommended as being especially adapted for all around use on American roads. It is a development of Model ” C,” and was gotten out in response to the demand for a machine of extreme simplicity, but one which, at the same time, would stand the hardest sort of cross-country work.

Ohio Automobile Company

Eastern Sales Departments
The McMurtry Company
114 Fifth Avenue, and 7 East 28th Street New York, N. Y.
H. B. Shattuck & Son
239 Columbus Ave. Boston